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Omelet with Peppers and Cheese Recipe


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Omelet with Peppers and Cheese Recipe combines eggs, bell pepper, onion, American cheese and salsa in making this outstanding omelet recipe.
Food Category:    Breakfast
Cuisine Origin:    LowCarb
    • Servings:2
    • Nutrition facts:478 calories39.9 grams fat
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  • 1/2 large bell pepper, sliced
  • 1/2 large onion, sliced
  • 3 Tbl vegetable oil
  • 4 slices American cheese
  • 4 Tbl salsa
  • 4 eggs, beaten (2 at a time)


  • Add one tablespoon of oil to a skillet over medium-high heat. When oil begins to simmer, add the pepper and onion and stir occasionally, cooking until both are soft and tender. Set aside.
  • With skillet on medium heat add one tablespoon of oil. Pour two of the beaten eggs into the skillet and spread egg to cover the bottom of the skillet. As egg begins to set, move the egg around in the bottom of the skillet by lifting and moving the skillet in a circular motion. Hopefully the egg will rotate around inside the skillet. If not, take spatula and starting on the outer edge of the egg, insert the spatula under the egg and move around the edge, loosening the egg from the skillet.
  • Once the egg moves freely within the skillet, place the two slices of cheese side by side on one side of the cooking egg. Spread one half of the peppers and onions over the cheese. Spoon 2 tablespoons of salsa over the peppers and onions.
  • To remove the egg from the skillet and fold the egg over, move the skillet to move the egg within the skillet. Lower the skillet side which has the cheese and vegetable to a plate and slowly lift the other side of the skillet up and away from the plate letting the egg and vegetables slowly slide out of the skillet and onto the plate. When one-half of the egg is on the plate, using the edge of the skillet move the egg (which does not have cheese or vegetables) back toward the center of the plate folding it over the egg/vegetables. Serve and enjoy!!
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