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Pea and Mint Omelette Recipe


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Pea and Mint Omelette Recipe says serve this deliciously light omelette with crusty bread and a green salad for a fresh and tasty lunch made with frozen peas, eggs, fresh mint, butter, salt and ground black pepper.
Food Category:    Vegetables
Cuisine Origin:    Meatless
    • Servings:2
    • Nutrition facts:629 calories38.8 grams fat
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  • 1/2 cup frozen peas
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tbsp chopped fresh mint
  • a pat of butter
  • salt and ground black pepper


  • Break the eggs into a large bowl and beat with a fork. Season well with salt and pepper and set aside.
  • Cook the peas in a large pan of salted boiling water for 3-4 minutes until tender. Drain well in a colander and add to the eggs in the bowl. Stir in the chopped fresh mint and swirl with a spoon until thoroughly combined.
  • Heat the butter in a medium frying pan until foamy. Pour in the egg mixture and cook over a medium heat for 3-4 minutes, drawing in the cooked egg from the edges from time to time, until the mixture is nearly set.
  • Finish off cooking the omelette under a hot grill (broiler) until set and golden. Carefully fold the omelette over, cut it in half and serve immediately.
  • Variation: When young broad (fava) beans are in season, use them instead of peas. Shell the beans and cook them in boiling salted water for 3-4 minutes until just tender. Meanwhile, grill (broil) 3-4 strips of bacon. Add the beans to the egg mixture instead of the peas and crumble the bacon over the omelette when it is almost cooked.
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