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Country Fried Venison and Gravy
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Country Fried Venison and Gravy Recipe fries thinly sliced venison steak seasoned with salt, pepper and flour then uses the drippings to make a delicious gravy to smother resulting in a very tasty venison dish.

Thinly sliced venison steaks.
salt and pepper
all-purpose flour
shortening or oil

1: Tenderize venison steaks with mallet or saucer edge. Salt and pepper to taste.
2: Shake steaks in a bag containing flour to dredge well.
3: Fry in skillet in shortening or oil until brown. Remove to paper towels or rack to drain.
4: Pour off all shortening or oil except for 2 tablespoons. Add several tablespoons flour to dripping and brown. Add water to desired consistency; bring to boil and reduce to simmer. Return steaks and simmer for at least 15 minutes.
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