Batter-Coated Fried Foods to Gaufre
Hints for Batter-Coated Fried Foods:
In deep-fat frying, some batters may have a tendency to
peel off. To avoid this, check these hints:
• If batter is too thick, add more liquid.
• If batter is too thin, add more flour.
• If batter is too rich in fat, reduce amount of fat in batter.
• Check temperature of fat; if too low, increase temperature.
• Add less food at a time to deep fat; too much food added at one time reduces temperature
too quickly.
FUMÉ (French):  Smoked; saumon fumé: smoked salmon.
FUMET (French):  Concentrated broth or extract of fish, meat, or vegetables.
FUNNY CAKE:  A Pennsylvania-Dutch favorite. A cake batter and sauce, baked
in a pie shell. The sauce forms a layer between cake and pie shell.
GALANTINE (French):  Boned poultry, meat, or fish stuffed and roasted, simmered
("boiled"), or braised, then pressed and cut in slices or molded in aspic.
French cake made of pastry and cut in a lattice or waffled pattern; also a very
light, French breakfast roll.
GALUPTZE:  Russian
term for chopped meat rolled in cabbage leaves. Also called prokes or holishkes.
GAME:  Any
wild bird or animal used for food.
GARBANZOS (Spanish):  Chick-peas.
member of the onion family but with the bulb divided into several sections known
as cloves or bulblets. Used in cookery to flavor meats, salads, soups, etc.
decorate with small pieces of colorful food.
GÁTEAU (French):  Cake; petits gáteaux: small cakes; gáteaux assortis: assorted
GAUFRE (French):  Wafer-like cookie or a waffle.