FOOD GLOSSARY - Apricot to Au Bleu

APRICOT:  A small yellowish-orange fruit between a peach and a plum in flavor.

ARROWROOT:  A simple, easily digested starch from the roots of a West Indian plant of the same name. Used as a thickening agent like cornstarch and for baking.

ARROZ (Spanish):  Rice. Arroz con pollo: rice with chicken.

ARTICHAUT (French):  Artichoke.

ARTICHOKES - AMERICAN OR JERUSALEM:  American or Jerusalem artichokes are very different from the French or Globe artichokes. These are root or tuber vegetables of the sunflower family. They look like small, gnarled white potatoes but are sweeter and more watery. They taste something like water chestnuts when cooked. The boiled tubers may be diced and served cold, mixed in a salad.

ARTICHOKES - FRENCH OR GLOBE:  Artichokes are native to the Mediterranean region and were popular in Italy as early as 1466. The Globe or French artichoke is really an unopened flower bud which grows on a thistle like plant. Artichokes are grown almost entirely in California to supply American markets. Artichokes have a delicate nutty flavor. They are cooked and then eaten with the fingers. Each leaf is pulled off and dipped in a sauce. The tender end of the leaf is eaten. When the leaves have all been stripped off, the tender base, known as the "bottom" or "heart," is cut into pieces and eaten with a fork.

ARTICHOKE HEARTS:  French or Globe artichokes stripped of leaves and chokes. These bottoms of artichokes are delicately flavored and may be cooked fresh or purchased canned. They are delicious in salads or served with mayonnaise or Hollandaise sauce.

ASH BREAD:  Another name for early types of corn bread, made in the southern states. It was wrapped in cabbage leaves and baked in the ashes of a fire.

ASPERGES (French):  Asparagus.

ASPIC:  A gelatin prepared usually with meat stock. It is used as a salad mold with other ingredients added or used to coat meats and other foods, thus giving the foods a transparent, shining coat. Tomato aspic is sharply seasoned, jellied tomato sauce.

AU BLEU:  French term meaning plain boiled. Often applied to a method of cooking fresh-water fish in which the fish is plunged into boiling court bouillon and cooked very quickly. Very good with trout.


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