FOOD GLOSSARY - Terrapin to
of several North American fresh-water or tidewater turtles, especially the diamond-back
terrapin found along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts.
THOUSAND ISLAND DRESSING:  A salad dressing made of mayonnaise with various additions
such as minced capers or pickles, parsley, chili sauce, ketchup, etc.
custardlike, highly flavored dish made of chicken, lobster, fish, etc. baked in
a small mold.
TIMBALE IRON:  A specially shaped iron used for making timbale cases.
TIMBALE MOLD:  Refers to any shape of mold in which delicate creamed mixtures
are baked.
TOAD-IN-THE-HOLE:  A type of English baked meat pie with pieces of meat encased
in a batter. In the United States, the name is sometimes also applied to eggs fried
and served in slices of bread with the centers cut out.
TOAST (The cookery term.):  To brown by direct heat in a toaster, under a broiler, or
by using any other direct heat source. Sometimes when recipes call for dried-out
bread, you may be told to "toast" the bread in a slow oven.
hot drink made of whiskey or some other liquor, sugar, lemon, and hot water.
candy made by cooking a sugar solution to such a high temperature that it melts
and becomes a crunchy but hard confection. Chocolate and nut coatings are common.
TOFU (Janpanese):  A curd cheese resembling cottage cheese made from soybeans.
It is usually called for in sukiyaki recipes.
rich cake, or cakelike dessert, usually made with crumbs or nuts, in several layers.
thin, flat cakes made of pounded corn or maize (a coarse corn meal), baked on a
hot iron or slab of stone. It is eaten alone or used as a base for many Mexican
mix ingredients lightly by tumbling them lightly with a lifting motion. To prevent
crushing and to do a thorough job, use two implements: two forks or a fork and a
spoon. The most usual use is mixing greens and other salad ingredients, coating
them with dressing. "Tossed"; now describes a salad on many menus.
TOURNEDOS:  Small, uniform slices cut from the heart of the fillet of
beef (tenderloin), which is usually encased in a thin layer of fat and securely
tied. They are so cut for quick cooking. Tournedos are most often sauteed in butter
or olive oil or in a mixture of the two. They may also be grilled but are generally
considered better if sauteed.