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RecipeFaire - Recipes for the Home Chef Presents:
Homemade Potato Chips
by:    Dionetta Talley  
Homemade Potato Chips Recipe is better than any store-bought chip. This homemade version is twice-fried for extra crispness and uses large russet potatoes, corn oil and coarse salt. Salt to your liking.

3 large russet potatoes
Peanut or corn oil for deep-frying
Coarse salt

1: Peel potatoes. Slice potatoes 1/4 inch thick and place in a bowl of ice water until ready to fry.
2: In a heavy skillet or deep fryer, heat at least 3 inches of oil to 375° F. Dry potatoes well between kitchen towels. Add potatoes to hot oil and fry until they are lightly golden. Drain on paper towels.
3: Raise the temperature of the oil to 400° F and refry the potatoes until very crisp and golden. (If you are doubling or tripling the recipe, do the second frying with fresh oil.) Drain on paper towels, salt lightly, and serve immediately.
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