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Oven Baked Beets with Feta Cheese Recipe
by:    Adam Johnson  
Oven Baked Beets with Feta Cheese Recipe uses beets, feta cheese and olive oil in creating this very nice beet recipe.

1 lb beets or rutabaga
5 oz. (1 cup) feta cheese or blue cheese
4 tbsp olive oil

1: Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C).
2: Rinse, peel and cut the beets into wedges, and place in a greased baking dish or on a baking sheet.
3: Season with salt and pepper, but remember that the cheese will add salt too. Crumble the cheese on top and drizzle with half of the olive oil.
4: Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes or until the beets have softened. Lower the heat towards the end of the cheese already is starting to brown too quickly.
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