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RecipeFaire - Recipes for the Home Chef Presents:
Perfect Fried Egg Recipe
by:    Aileen Hardy  
Perfect Fried Egg Recipe uses vegetable oil and eggs to create the perfect fried egg recipe.

2 large eggs
1 tbsp vegetable oil

1: Place a skillet over medium-high heat.
2: Add vegetable oil to the skillet. Crack two eggs and place into a small bowl, taking care not to break the yolks.
3: At the first hint of a whisp of smoke from the skillet, gently pour the eggs into the skillet, cover, and cook for one minute.
4: At the end of one minute, slide the skillet off the heat and set aside for 15 seconds. At the end of 15 seconds, gently slide the eggs onto a serving plate. If the eggs stick a little, using a thin spatula, gently free the eggs from the skillet by moving the spatula around the underside of the eggs.
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