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Alabama White Sauce Chicken Sandwich Recipe
by:    Bobbie Roberts  
Alabama White Sauce Chicken Sandwich Recipe uses rotisserie chicken, Alabama white barbecue sauce, hamburger buns, butter, and dill pickles in making this unique and very tasty chicken sandwich recipe.

8 cups rotisserie chicken, cooked, shredded
1 cup Alabama white barbecue sauce
8 hamburger buns
butter, to taste
32 dill pickle slices

1: In a medium bowl, add the shredded chicken and the white barbecue sauce and toss to fully coat the chicken.
2: Toast the hamburger buns in a skillet until they are golden-brown and then coat each side with the butter.
3: Add 1 cup of the chicken mixture to the bottom buns and then top with 4 of the dill pickle slices and the remaining top buns.
4: Serve and enjoy!!
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