Recipes for the Home Chef
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RecipeFaire - Recipes for the Home Chef Presents:
Cat Head Biscuits
by:    Chrystel Maples  
Cat Head Biscuit Recipe enhances breakfast with this southern recipe containing self-rising flour, buttermilk, butter, cooking oil and salt which is then baked to a fluffy biscuit which is golden brown.

3 1/2 c. self rising flour
1/4 c. oil
1 1/4 c. buttermilk
1/4 c. melted butter
Pinch salt

1: Preheat oven 500 degrees.
2: Using a mixing bowl add flour then milk, pour oil over milk. Take a table spoon and mix until well incorporated forming a ball. Pour dough onto a flat floured surface using paraffin paper lightly sprinkled with flour. Now sprinkle flour lightly over dough. Take hands and press out to 1 inch in thickness. Take a large biscuit cutter and cut out biscuits. Use excess dough by re forming into a ball and press out again cutting till all is used. Place onto a lightly greased baking sheet.
3: Bake until light brown. When removed, brush tops with melted butter and sprinkle with a dab of salt. Serve hot.
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