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Shrimp Spread
by:    Jackson Brown  
Shrimp Spread Appetizer Recipe makes an attractive and very tasty appetizer using butter, green onions, parsley, salt, garlic powder, pepper, cooked shrimp, beer and capers in creating this delicious shrimp appetizer recipe.

1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
2 green onions with some tops
2 parsley sprigs
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
Dash pepper
package (12 ounces) frozen cooked shrimp, thawed
1/2 cup beer
1 tablespoon capers (optional)
Fancy crackers or tiny cream puffs

1: Using a food processor or blender, process butter, onions, parsley, and seasonings until vegetables are minced and mixture is smooth. (With blender, prepare in 2 or 3 batches.)
2: Add shrimp, beer, and capers. Process to a smooth paste.
3: Serve at room temperature on crackers or in tiny cream puffs. Use a rounded teaspoon for each.
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