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Avocado Sandwiches on Sourdough Bread
by:    Rickey Romans  
Avocado Sandwich on Sourdough Bread Appetizer Recipe creates a tasty and refreshing sandwich which uses sliced avocados, oregano leaves, chervil, parsley flakes, green onion and onion powder served on sourdough bread to create a delicious sandwich.

2 avocados, thinly sliced and salted
1/4 cup butter (1/2 stick), softened
1/2 teaspoon oregano leaves
1/4 teaspoon each, chervil, parsley flakes, and gr
Dash onion powder
8 slices sour dough or Italian bread, diagonnaly c

1: Prepare avocado slices.
2: Cream butter with seasonings. Spread thinly over bread.
3: Top with avocado slices. Serve with white wine.
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