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Colonels Favorite Barbecued Beef Brisket
by:    Robert Rivers  
Colonel's Favorite Barbecued Beef Brisket Recipe marinates beef brisket in onion salt, celery salt, garlic salt, Worcestershire Sauce and liquid smoke and then bakes it to a tender and delicious beef brisket dish.

7 pounds beef brisket, trimmed
2 teaspoons onion salt
1 tablespoon celery salt
1 teaspoon garlic salt
4 teaspoons monosodium glutamate
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 1/2 tablespoons liquid smoke

1: Rub brisket with onion, celery, garlic salt and monosodium glutamate, and let stand for about 30 minutes. Place in a roaster and pour Worchestershire sauce and liquid smoke over surface of roast. Cover and refrigerate several hours.
2: Drain off marinade, wrap brisket, fatty side up, in heavy duty aluminum foil and seal. Bake 5 hours at 300° F. Allow to cool. Slice thinly across the grain, place in a baking dish, cover with Texas Barbecue Sauce and bake 20 minutes at 325°F.
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