Recipes for the Home Chef
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RecipeFaire - Recipes for the Home Chef Presents:
Barbecued Venison
by:    Virginia Greene  
Barbecued Venison Recipe places venison roast in a roasting pan along with a bbq sauce of garlic buttons, Claret wine, Worcestershire sauce, mushroom steak sauce, whole mushrooms, oil, bell pepper, black pepper and Lawry's seasoned salt.

10 lb. venison roast
2 garlic buttons
1 fifth red Claret wine (dry)
2 1/2 cups Worcestershire
1 can mushroom steak sauce
2 jars whole mushrooms
1 cup oil
1 large bell pepper
1 tablespoon black pepper
Lawry's seasoned salt (to taste)

1: Put all ingredients in a roasting pan and cover. (Venison roast may be in several pieces.)
2: Cook at 350°F until meat is tender. Baste venison hourly if possible.
3: NOTE: Remove all fat from venison before cooking.
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