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Grilled Chicken Marinara with Parmesan
by:    Sammy White  
Grilled Chicken Marinara sautees onion and garlic in olive oil adding stewed tomatoes, rosemary, basil, oregano and marjoram before combining cooked chicken, broccoli and penne pasta to create a delicious chicken marinara pasta dish.

1/4C olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 small onion, chopped
2t rosemary
1t basil
1t oregano
1/2t marjoram
4 grilled chicken breasts, cut into 2" cubes
2 (14oz) cans chunky style stewed tomatoes
8oz penne pasta
2C frozen broccoli
1/8C Parmesan cheese

1: In large, heavy skillet, heat the oil over medium heat until it is hot but not smoking. Add the garlic and onions; sauté until golden-- about 3 to 4 minutes.
2: Cook broccoli according to package directions; drain. Cook penne pasta according to pacage directions; drain.
3: Add stewed tomatoes to onion/garlic mixture and bring to simmer. Add spices and stir well. Add chicken chunks; heat through, about 10 minutes.
4: Add broccoli and penne to chicken/marinara mixture to coat well. Serve hot sprinkled with Parmesan cheese as desired.
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