Recipes for the Home Chef
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RecipeFaire - Recipes for the Home Chef Presents:
Souper Bowl Beer Cheese Soup
by:    Aileen Hardin  
Using packaged ingredients makes this delicious soup a breeze. Very little effort to reap such a robust and tasty soup using packaged celery, leek and French onion mix, cheddar cheese food and beer.

1 pkg. celery soup mix
1 pkg. leek soup mix
1/2 pkg. French onion soup mix
8 cups cold water
1 lb. sharp cold pack cheddar cheese food
1/2 can (6 oz) beer - room temperature

1: Mix all soup in cold water, bring to boil.
2: Reduce heat and simmer until thick.
3: Slowly add cheese food, stirring constantly, until melted and smooth.
4: Add beer. Heat thoroughly. Makes 12 cups or 6 hearty bowls of soup.
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